
Apple adds WeBot to its offical web apps directory

wo0t, we've been added to the Apple iPhone web applications directory. it was only a matter of time as we built WeBot to work with Macs and iPhones from day one (as well as Linux and windows) and the response from early adapters has been breathtakingly positive.

WeBot adds a "no limits" aspect to streaming music on your iPhone that was undreamed of in the olden days of only having 4 or 8 Gb of storage space. No more picking and choosing which 8 Gb of your 58 GB music collection to upload to your iPhone. Nope, you can have it all and have it now. That's hot.

It's really quite easy. You create a WeBot account and automatically get the proper app download for your platform , be it Mac, Win or Linux (we believe in cross platform free love). Place a separate bot on each machine where you've music or photos stored and associate said music with the bot. Then whip out your iPhone, wherever you may find yourself in your daily travels, open up the web browser and go to WeBot.com Log in to your account and search/browse/access ALL your media. It's like having a couple of gigantic hard drives strapped to your back without the chafing. This is the future, bubba. No more uploading, no more syncing, no more limits.

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